It’s Your Life - It’s Okay to NOT be OK.

When failing is the only answer.

A friend reminded me of this recently:

You have to be bad at something before you can be good at it.

Of course my brain went straight to this:

Is that true of parenting and empty nesting?

Do you need to be bad at it before you can be good at it?

With parenting I think you always feel like you're bad at it. That you're always learning, trying again, and making mistakes and then trying again.

Most of the time it feels like you're always bad at it.

Does that make it a failure?

No -- the lessons learned by you and the lessons taught to your kids somehow seem to stick and sink in.

You learn and they learn -- it's just supposed to be how it goes.

But what about empty nesting -- or any new experience?

Do you have to be bad at it before you're good at it?

Society would have you believe that unless you're living your best empty nest life -- the kids are gone your emotions be damned -- then there's something wrong with you.

That's just not how it works.

You're a human with emotions.

You simply don't go from being a parent to being yippie skippy footloose and fancy free without processing the emotions of this life transition.

If you're feeling ashamed for feeling bad because society is telling you you're wrong for feeling that way I'm here to tell you:

It's okay to be bad at empty nesting before you're good at it.

Every life transition works this way:

  • Career changes

  • Relationships

  • Health and wellness

  • Educational journeys

  • Loss

You’re going to be bad at it before you’re good at it so give yourself some PATIENCE and GRACE.

Tell society to take a long walk off a short pier.

It's your life.

Your emotions.

Your journey.

No one else's.

#emptynest #emptynester #emptynesting #emptynestcoach #myemptynestlife


The Emotional Divide of an Empty Nest